brandon  cole

marine  photography   


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Brandon Cole Marine Photography is a stock photo agency focusing on the marine environment worldwide. Representing the finest pictures in the library of full-time professional underwater photographer Brandon Cole, BCMP services clients in global editorial and advertising markets. The collection of dramatic photos includes marine mammals (whales, dolphins, seals and sea lions, manatees, and sea otters), fish (sharks and rays, salmon, schooling fishes, tropical and temperate reef species), sea turtles, invertebrates, scuba diving, and other themes from coral reef, kelp forest, intertidal and open ocean habitats. Specialties include humpback whales, orca (killer whales), endangered Pacific salmon, great white sharks, Atlantic spotted and bottlenose dolphins, manatees, octopus, and tide pools.

KEYWORDS  underwater, photography, stock, photographs, photograph, photos, pictures, photo, picture, images, marine, professional, whales, whale, dolphins, dolphin, sharks, shark, manatees, manatee, salmon, fish, scuba, diving, sea, ocean, stock agencies, stock agency, stock, agency, orcas, killer, killer whales, humpback, humpback whales, great white shark, commercial, advertising, editorial, seahorses, coral, octopus, endangered species, schooling fish, kelp, tidal pools, Brandon Cole, Brandon D. Cole